What is the origin of the term “mistress feet”?

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The phrase ‘mistress feet‘ has been around for hundreds of years, and its origin remains somewhat mysterious. Over time, it has been interpreted in various ways, often depending on the cultural context in which it is used.

Some believe that the phrase originated in the Middle Ages, when the mistresses of wealthy families often had special footwear made for them. These shoes, often made of exotic materials, were known as ‘mistress feet.’ They would be worn to special occasions, such as balls and other events, to help distinguish them from other people in attendance.

Others believe that the phrase comes from the traditional Greek and Roman cultures, where mistress feet would have been a status symbol. The mistresses of the wealthy or powerful would often have unique shoes or slippers adorned with precious materials, including gold and precious gemstones to show her superiority.

Finally, it has been suggested that the phrase originated in the United States during the colonial period. During this time, maids or mistresses of the wealthy were sometimes treated more like family members, and as such, were given expensive shoes and clothing to wear. This was a way of showing their status in society and likely gave rise to the phrase.

No matter its exact origin, one thing is clear – ‘mistress feet’ is still used today, both in the literal and figurative sense. In recent years, for example, it has been used to refer to a woman’s fashionable sense or style. It can also be used to describe someone who takes great advantage of their position or power within a specific group or society.

Ultimately, the exact origin of the phrase is still up for debate. However, it’s clear that the term has had a long and interesting history, and continues to be used in a variety of ways. Click for source.

How can a submissive prepare physically and mentally for chastity under a mature mistress’s guidance?

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When it comes to preparing for chastity under the guidance of a mature mistress, it is important to approach the matter in both a physical and mental capacity. This is a lifestyle choice that requires commitment, attention to detail, and a deep-seated understanding that can come only through research, experience, and communication.

Physical Preparation

When it comes to physical preparation for chastity, it is essential to research the type of chastity device you will be using and whether it has been properly fitted. The wrong size or type of device could result in discomfort or even harm, so it is best to know as much as possible about the device and how to wear it properly.

It is also important to practice proper hygiene when wearing a chastity device. This is especially true with longer-term chastity arrangements, which require regular cleaning and maintenance. Additionally, it is paramount to follow the rules and directions provided by the mistress during the chastity arrangement, as this will minimize the risk of infection or injury.

Mental Preparation

When it comes to mental preparation for chastity, it is important for the submissive to understand the rules and expectations of the mistress as well as the implications of chastity. This could include understanding any safety protocols, the allowed and forbidden activities, and the impact of the lifestyle change.

It is also essential to understand and accept the power dynamics at play in a chastity arrangement. This means understanding that the mistress is in charge and that everything must be done according to her wishes. Finally, a discussion of boundaries is essential for any chastity arrangement, as this can help the mistress understand the submissive’s nuances and provide an avenue for negotiation.


Ultimately, preparing for chastity under the guidance of a mature mistress requires a firm understanding of the physical and mental aspects of the lifestyle choice. The submissive should research the chastity device they will use as well as practice proper hygiene, while also understanding the power dynamics at play and discussing any boundaries with the mistress. By doing so, the submissive can ensure their chastity lifestyle is both rewarding and safe.

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